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Chargebackhit dashboard offers a visual summary of chargeback alerts and risk management metrics

The Chargebackhit HUB dashboard is a page that displays the key metrics for an account within a specified timeframe. You can specify the period from preset options such as today, month, year, all time, or define a custom period. The purpose of the dashboard is to provide an overview of the account performance, allowing you to promptly evaluate the account status. The dashboard consists of:

  • Interval block
    Controls to select the period for data analysis.
  • Alerts
    Number of alerts during the period.
  • MIDs active
    Number of MIDs active during the period.
  • MIDs total
    Total number of MIDs.
  • Alert activity
    Bar chart of product activity.
  • Alert performance
    Chart with alert response statistics.

Interval block

Interval block buttons in Chargebackhit refer to controls that allow setting the frequency at which you receive chargeback alerts for analysis. These buttons usually offer predefined intervals such as daily, weekly, or monthly, or allow customization of the interval. Once defined, intervals are applied to all blocks on the dashboard.

  • Custom period
  • Today
  • Month
  • Year
  • All time

To have a more detailed display of alerts, use the following controls in combination:

  • Filter by Custom period/Today/Months/Years/All time interval
  • View by Days/Weeks/Months/Years


  • Count
    The total number of alerts received by the merchant during the selected time period.
  • Percentage
    The percentage change in alerts compared to the previous period. If the current month is selected, the comparison is made against the previous month. For a custom period, for example, September 7-22, the comparison is made against the analogous period before it, August 22-September 7. The change is not displayed in the following cases:
    • previous period has zero alerts
    • previous period is shorter than the selected period

MIDs active

  • Count
    The total number of MIDs that received at least one alert during the selected period.
  • Percentage
    The percentage change in the number of MIDs that received at least one alert, compared to the previous period. For a custom period, for example, September 7-22, the comparison is made against a period of similar length before it, August 22-September 7.

MIDs total

  • Count
    The total number of MIDs added to the system.
  • Percentage
    The percentage change in the number of MIDs added to the system in relation to the previous period. The number of MIDs added during the selected period is compared to those added in an equivalent period before. For a custom period, for example, September 7-22, then the comparison is made against an equivalent period before it, such as August 22-September 7.

Alert activity

The curves represent individual products. Upon hovering over a day on the graph, pop-up details show the date, date range, month, or year, depending on the grouping, as well as the specific product and the number of alerts for that product on that day.

The default view is for the last 30 days.

Alert performance

  • The division size corresponds to the number of alerts. Hovering over a division on the chart reveals details about the alert count and its percentage of the total.
  • The table beneath the chart features a legend, the percentage of all alerts, and the number of alerts displayed, arranged in descending order. The data is sorted from the largest division to the smallest, with the Other category always positioned last.

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