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Chargebackhit analytics provide detailed insights and metrics on alert frequency

The Chargebackhit HUB analytics offers various filter options for analyzing alert activity by factors such as product, card type, alert type, acquirer, and provider. It also offers additional capabilities for interval selection and detailed analysis of alert performance and MIDs. The analytics section consists of:

  • Filter block
    Controls to customize information on the page for data analysis.
  • Alert activity
    Chart lines illustrate unique products, providing details on alert quantity, proportion, and product information upon hovering.
  • Alert by card type
    Chart lines represent various card brands, showing alert count, ratio, and brand details upon hovering.
  • Alert types
    Chart lines represent distinct alert types, revealing alert quantity, their share, and alert type details upon hovering.
  • Acquirer BIN
    Chart lines represent individual acquirers, displaying alert counts, proportion, and acquirer’s name upon hovering.
  • Alert performance
    Chart divisions represent alert numbers and show alert percentages upon hovering over tooltips.
  • Alert providers
    Chart lines illustrate alert providers and show details including alert counts, period shares, and provider identity upon hovering.
  • MIDs analytics
    List that includes active MIDs, organized in descending order of alert frequency for the selected period.

For all charts on the Analytics page:

  • X-axis represents days
  • Y-axis represents the number of alerts

Filters block

  • Guide
    The section provides an interface for managing MIDs, with capabilities for detailed inspection, data modification, filtering, and exporting.
    MIDs added to the system.
  • Guide
    A chargeback is the process by which the issuing bank debits the merchant’s account to return it to the cardholder.
    Alert outcomes reflect transaction status, such as refunded, declined, acknowledged, and more.
  • Guide
    Alert types categorize different stages and actions within dispute processing.
    Alert types categorize the different stages within dispute processing and the Inform types offer insights into the nature of the dispute case.
  • Guide
    Prevent disputes and protect revenue with real-time transaction insights.
    Provider represents the entity responsible for processing the alert.
  • Guide
    Our product guides offer insights for using the system to monitor and reduce chargeback risk.
    Products define the required actions and responses for inquiries, preventions, resolutions, and notifications about fraud and disputes.
Filters support multi-selection and apply to all blocks on the dashboard.

Alert activity

The lines on the chart represent individual products, and hovering over a line provides information about the number of alerts, their proportion to all alerts for the selected aggregation period, and the respective product.

Alert by card type

The lines on the chart represent individual card brands, and hovering over a line provides information about the number of alerts, their proportion to all alerts for the selected aggregation period, and the respective card brand.

Alert types

The lines on the chart represent individual alert types, and hovering over a line provides information about the number of alerts, their proportion to all alerts for the selected aggregation period, and the respective alert type.

Acquirer BIN

The lines on the chart represent individual acquirers, and hovering over a line provides information about the number of alerts, their proportion to all alerts for the selected aggregation period, and the respective acquirer.

Alert performance

The division size corresponds to the number of alerts. When hovering over a division on the chart, information about the number of alerts and their percentage of the total is displayed.

The chart’s tooltip is a table with a legend that includes the percentage of all alerts and the number of alerts. This table is sorted in descending order, from the largest division to the smallest one, with the Other category always positioned last.

Alert providers

The lines on the chart represent alert providers, and hovering over a line displays information about the number of alerts, their share of total alerts for the selected aggregation period, and the identity of the respective provider.

MIDs analytics

The list comprises active MIDs, arranged in descending order based on the number of alerts for the selected period.

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