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Connect payment providers to automate alert management

The Integrations page allows you to connect external payment providers, helping improve alert management. By integrating providers, you can automate matching alerts to transactions, processing refunds, and canceling subscriptions. This reduces manual effort and ensures a more efficient workflow.

The refunds should be processed only for CDRN and Ethoca alerts. For the RDR alerts, no additional actions are required.


Provider Matching to transactions Refunds Subscription cancellation
Stripe Yes Yes Yes
RocketGate Coming soon Yes Yes Yes
Checkout Champ Coming soon Yes Yes Yes
29Next Coming soon Yes Yes Yes

Connect integration

Connecting providers involves a few steps to get the integration working and start seeing results. Each provider may have specific configuration steps that should be followed.


For the Stripe integration, you will need your Stripe Secret key. You can find the key by following the steps in the Stripe documentation Reference .

To connect Stripe

  1. In the top menu, select Integrations.
  2. Next to the Stripe logo, click on Connect.
  3. On the new page, enter your Stripe Secret key.
  4. Turn on the integration using the toggle switch.
  5. Click on Submit to complete the integration setup.

Once connected, the alert management will be automated for:

  • Alert matching to transactions
  • Processing refunds
  • Subscription cancellations

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