User management
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User management
Manage user accounts and access to system features and data in Chargebackhit

User management is an essential feature in the Chargebackhit HUB and it serves several critical objectives:

  • Control access
    Determine who has access to the system and their permission level.
  • Improve security
    Restrict the number of people who can access sensitive information.
  • Maintain accountability
    Keep track of who makes changes to the system to identify potential issues or problems.
  • Streamline communication
    Assign different roles and responsibilities to different users, such as administrator, analyst, and alert manager, to improve collaboration and communication.

User management in Chargebackhit ensures efficient, secure, and effective system usage by empowering administrators to establish roles, define permissions, and access user information. This facilitates proficient user management within a chargeback alert system, guaranteeing security and operational efficiency.

Roles Predefined user roles, including administrator, analyst, alert manager, and others, dictate the level of access and permissions granted to each user.
Permissions Specific actions that users can perform within the system.
User information Individual user information, such as email, date of creation of the account, status, and roles.

Add user

To add a user

  1. Select Add user.
  2. Enter the email address of the person you want to add to the system.
  3. Select the checkboxes from the predefined list to define the account type for the new user.
  4. Select the checkboxes to assign one or more roles to the new user. The available roles are:
    • Admin - access to user management, MID management, alert responses, and tech settings (URL/API keys).
    • Alert manager - access to view alert responses.
    • Analyst - access to view analytics data.
    • Manager - access to MID management and alert responses.
  5. Select Add to save the new user.
If a user is already blocked when you add them to the system, you will receive the following error:
"This user is blocked. Please, contact support team for more information."

Manage user table

You can use action buttons to allow or restrict access. They become available after selecting the checkbox next to a specific user:

  • Block
  • Unblock
  • Cancel
    Resets the selection.
You can view the user information by selecting the arrow next to it. If you need to copy the user’s email, hover over the email address and click on it.
You may consider the group management functionality that is located on the user information page.
You can change settings to adjust the row style and height for a comfortable viewing experience. Additionally, customize displayed columns if required.

Filters table

  • Email
    Find specific users using their email addresses.
  • Roles
    Sort users based on their assigned roles within the system.
  • Status
    Filter users based on the status of their account within the system.

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